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Our primary purpose for breathing is to produce energy. With each breath, glucose within our cells combines with oxygen to produce energy, water and CO2. In short, our breath is a source of energy. We can manipulate the breath to create a path to wellness. We can do this by exercising our breath using breath holds and practicing variability with up-regulating, down-regulating and balancing techniques. The process of curating a breath practice will help in promoting and maintaining optimum whole body wellness. Our breath is the go-between of our mind and our bodies - it is a direct link to our parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. As we train ourselves to breathe better, we can take refuge in better cardiovascular health, less anxiety, less stress, a better connection to the present moment and increased mindfulness.


What is transformational breath work and what are transformational breath journeys?

Transformational breathwork is a conscious connected breathing practice that helps us to gain access to the subconscious mind, release trapped emotions and bio-energetic blocks and helps rewire the brain.

A transformational breath journey is a curated and guided experience designed to bring you into a hypnotic state where you can release the monkey mind and access your subconscious. Each journey is crafted around a central theme  - some of these themes are Self Love and Forgiveness; Letting Go; Calling Abundance; Ladies in Business - Reclaiming Our Power; Down-regulation - Pressing the Reset Button. The biggest benefit to experiencing a breathwork journey is the personal transformation whereby you become critically self aware of old and limiting views and step into a new and upgraded personal platform and self-definition. 




  • Personal and spiritual transformation

  • Sense of inner peace and contentment

  • Feeling of being connected to something greater than oneself

  • A sense of newfound purpose or meaning in life

  • A desire to learn and grow spiritually

  • A sense of being more in the moment and less reactive to stress

  • A sense of liberation from traumas, old patterns and behaviors

  • A feeling of increased clarity and insight into one's own life and the world


What is it good for?

  • Addiction issues

  • Chronic stress

  • PTSD

  • Depression 

  • Chronic pain

  • Grief and loss

  • Anxiety

  • Childhood trauma

  • Suppressed emotions

  • Relationship struggles

  • Money blocks

  • Patterns of self-sabotage

  • Limiting beliefs

  • Fears and phobias


What are the risks of doing a breathwork journey? This is a very low risk experience. One risk is you may faint, but you will be lying down and fainting is another way of your body forcing a reset breath. Please check out the Resources page, where you will find a link to an article about a research study that included 11,000 patients over a 12 year period, all experiencing similar conscious connected breathing for 3 hours at a time, and not one adverse reaction.

What are the risks of doing a breathwork journey? This is a very low risk experience. Another risk is you may faint, but you will be lying down and fainting is another way of your body forcing a reset breath - all will be well.


What happens during this transformational experience? Some experience tetany, which can be uncomfortable - if it happens, just slow the breath until it feels better - you will not stay this way forever. Some also experience a tingling around the mouth or in the extremities, which will go away when you return to normal breath or slow the breath. Also, with this type of breathing, you are brought into a Theta Brainwave state, which makes you very open and able to  access the subconscious mind. This is also called Transient Hypofrontality - a tamping down of the monkey mind, where decisions are made and we spend a lot of time obsessing about the past and the future. There are 2 somatic releases that come in the middle of the journey in the form of a scream. You can scream into a pillow if you are in a place where others may hear you. 

What about the scream? If you feel like you don’t want to scream, you should probably scream twice as loud. You can also start low and get louder if that seems like a good alternative :) The is a somatic release and can be very significant on your healing journey - you are encouraged to take full advantage of the opportunity to fully release.


This breathing session may not be suitable for you if you have the following conditions:

Cardiovascular problems, abnormally high blood pressure, aneurysms, epilepsy and seizures, anyone taking heavy medication, severe psychiatric symptoms especially psychosis or paranoia, bipolar, osteoporosis, recent surgery, glaucoma or is currently pregnant.


People with asthma should bring their own inhaler and consult with their physician and breathwork coach before participating.

Anyone experiencing an emotional or spiritual crisis or any person with a mental illness who is not in treatment or lacks adequate support should consult with their breathwork coach.


Please note, this list is not exhaustive and we generally advise that if you have a question about a condition you may have that is not listed here, you consult a physician and make your breathwork coach aware before participating.

In Preparation

Come in clean and hydrated. Being hungover or dehydrated can lead to a severe headache due to lack of optimal hydration. 


Find a private place where you can lie down. This practice can make you cold, so have a blanket if you think you might need it. 


Wear headphones and an eye mask to make the journey more intimate and personal. This will allow you to go much deeper.




Experience the Transformational Breath Journey from the comfort of your own home. Christina will guide you and hold space for you as you integrate afterwards. Check the calendar of events for group offerings and make sure to join her for a Full Moon Transformational Breath Journey.

In Person

Come in and experience a Transformational Breathwork Journey in ceremony with Christina. She will open the ceremony with grounding and close with integration. Christina is a master at holding and creating space for you. You will leave transformed and renewed. 

Private $120
Group $33 ea
Private $140
Small Group up to 4 $50 ea

Curated Personal Breath Journey

After an in-depth dive into what's going on, Christina will design a transformational breath journey just for you. Central themes are forgiveness, letting go, calling in abundance, reclaiming your power, and opening to wellness. This medicine is incredibly profound and powerful.

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